Hamlet Movie Comparison

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Hamlet Movie Comparison From the two versions of Hamlet that we watched, Mel Gibson/Glenn Close and Kenneth Branagh; despite the fact they have the same plot but there are few differences between the both versions. Hamlet acting is really different in both versions of the movie. In Kenneth Branagh version we see the movie is done with strong emotions but Hamlet overacts in most of the scenes. We also see that Hamlet is not a calm thinker by watching how Hamlet amplifies his manners throughout the movie. In Mel Gibson’s version of Hamlet, Hamlet’s acting is outstanding because while watching the play we can see the effort and talent Gibson has put in the movie. Gibson knows what his lines are and he exactly knows what his actions are. His acting is so natural because while he was acting the audience can feel the pain he is suffering through. Another difference in both versions of the movie is; in Kenneth’s version it does not seem that the play is acted in the theatre, but it is done by professionals. Kenneth’s version is filmed as Hamlet family is very royal and rich; also the house is a mansion. The filming was great because of the great filmmaker and we see this by the good quality of the camera, the shots, camera angles and the sound of the film; it was very clear what the characters were saying and the setting they are in. But in Mel Gibson’s version of the movie the quality of the camera is very poor, we see this by the camera techniques and also the shots. Also in Gibson’s version the clothing/costume is more natural and the castle is made up of sand. Therefore, we see that Mel Gibson’s version of the movie, Hamlet is more natural because of the props and setting being used in the movie. Also Hamlets acting affects the overall movie which I think Gibson’s version of the movie portrays

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