Hamlet - Morality, Memory and Reason Mini Essay

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Memory and Reason Have you ever watched a dog for a few days? But not just having someone’s dog stay in your house while they’re off in the Bahamas, have you REALLY watched a dog? Watched it eat, sleep, defecate, or taken it for walks expecting it to love you, only to realize its favourite part was when it hastily jumped on the rear end of the neighbor’s dog? They have no intelligent thought put into anything; they’re just going through the motions. These actions are why Hamlet would classify dogs and other such furry four legged creatures, as “just animals”. Hamlet says that because of the human capacity for memory and reason, we must be more than just animals and our marvelous capacity must exist for some greater purpose. The idea of existing for a purpose has been around and in debate since man first walked on earth, and for arguments sake, the moon. To dig into the reasoning behind the debates one incomprehensible task must be initiated; stop for just a moment… and think. Can there possibly be a purpose for this earth? For the humans that litter its surface? If there is, what is it? Wait; hold on a second, you just thought… how could you have thought if this is all one big coincidence? Doesn’t that mean that there’s something that this is all happening for? Well now that your brain hurts, it’s time to help you out. To be blunt, it appears Hamlet has a point. Memory is a strange and wonderful thing; it’s one of the many things that make the power of the brain so jaw-dropping. But how can it do that? The brain is 80% water and it can try to figure out how it (the brain itself) works? A swimming pool is 100% water… does that mean it can come up with the cure for cancer and write plays that will be examined and enjoyed by several hundred thousand other pools? Well no, it can’t, why; because it’s a pool. However you may be saying, “But the water remembers the
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