Haitian Revolution Dbq

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The Haitian Revolution During the Haitian Revolution, Haiti changed dramatically in terms of its political freedom and social structure. These changes came about in result to the Haitian people's want of freedom from France. The economy of the Haiti significantly changes throughout the revolution as well. There are multiple reasons to why the Haitian people wanted to be free from France's rule. They were a large part of France's economic system, and this revolution would, in turn, change France's income. Document 1 shows how much the slaves, who were 90% of the island's population, would receive for the excruciating labor they were put through every day. Weekly, they would be given only the bare necessities to survive, not including their family members, as the document states only for slaves 18 years or older. It states in Document 2, the rights that each man should have. Hearing of these rights, along with the rumors that they'd been freed by the king, began talk of their true freedom from slavery. Document 3, spoken by Jean-Marie d'Augy, who was strongly for slavery, says that the slaves in Haiti, were no good for anything else then to provide the labor of farming sugar and coffee, the two main products given to the French. An additional document that would provide a better look into the origins of the Haitian Revolution would be a slave's testament to the harsh labor they underwent daily. The process of the revolution was even worse than the origins. They changed the world's outlook of the Haitian people. In Document 4, it speaks of Napoleon's desire to retake Saint Domingo, what Haiti was called by the European intruders. Toussaint, the leader of the revolution, was taken by the French and deported back to France. This led to more outrage by the people of the island, making them fight rougher and push harder. This document was written by historian
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