H&C Unit 36

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36Unit 36-understanding health and safety in social care setting 1.1 We are generally covered by the health and safety at work act 1974 which acts as the overall umbrella that has been updated and supplemented by all regulations and guidelines which extend it, support it or explain it. These include control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH), manual handling health and safety and so on. 1.2 They protect those involved in a social care setting whether it is employer’s employees and clients by setting out clear roles, responsibilities and agreed working ways to ensure the risks within a workplace are controlled properly. Everyone has a responsibility as employers or employees to know where to find these regulations, laws and guidelines and has a duty to know what their responsibilities are. 1.3 A). Social care workers main responsibilities are to ensure the employer knows about any health and safety concerns, to take reasonable care not to put others at any risk, to cooperate with any employers, to follow companies health and safety procedures, to report and injury’s, strains or illness and inform employer anyone’s ability to work (to ensure rest breaks throughout the day). B). the employer or manager is responsible to ensure the work place is safe and prevent any risks to health, ensuring all materials are stored, handled and used safely, providing first aid facilities and equipment, informing employers about any potential hazard and risks setting up emergency plans, creating and adjusting risk assessment’s as necessary as needed them, provide supervisions and support when needed, provide protective equipment i.e. gloves, mask, ensuring safety signs are in right locations and safety certificates are up to date, reporting of accidents and dangerous occurrences. C) Others in a social care setting have a responsibility to abide by policies and procedures,

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