Guns Germs and Steel

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Guns Germs and Steel Pt. 3 Questions 1.What weapons do you think have the most impact in warfare throughout history? Throughout history the advancement of weapons continued to grow. Some weapons no longer being used in warfare but definitely having a place in history. Rifle guns and canons would be the most popular sources of weaponry in warfare to date. They have evolved overtime and have become better, increasing in power, speed, and quantity therefore leaving a big impact. 2.Why were the Europeans the people who were able to conquer so many of the world’s greatest civilizations and control so much of the world? Based off of the film it would be safe to say that Europeans were able to conquer and control most of the world because off natural advantage. Looking into the geography of Europeans they were able to easily advance with their crops and production and the domestication of animals therefore producing a more stable society above all others so as they advanced they were able to take what they know and conquer neighboring lands. 3. What do you think about the film overall? Overall the film was a great way to take a look back at how many of the different cultures and individuals began to shape history. The start of development through geography was interesting to learn more about. The fact that germs, production and geography were the main reasons for advancement is controversial but definitely something to think about. I liked this film overall for a view into past history. Thusheaa Dieujuste Guns Germs and Steel Pt. 2 Questions 1. Do you agree or disagree with Dr. Diamond’s theory about geography being the main determining factor in which countries became rich and powerful through the development of technology and conquest? Which countries remain poor and underdeveloped in relation to the rest of the world? Yes I agree with the theory
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