Gun Powder Thesis Statement

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Thesis statement The printing press had a greater impact on the world than gun powder because is made is possible to read and write which is a requirement in today’s world Introduction The printing press and gun powder were both invention of the Chinese. The printing is a device that uses pressure to transfer an image from some sort of prepared, inked surface to a receiving surface, like paper or cloth. The printing press was one of the great inventions of the modern age, allowing books to be mass produced, helping to encourage the dissemination of information. The gunpowder Gunpowder was supposed to be a potion for unlimited life and ended up being a potion for death that is still used today. I think that the printing press had a greater…show more content…
And if its religious and biblically homosexuality is forbidden it shouldn’t be legalized it’s going against our moral values and belief Introduction To begin, the civil and legal rights of individuals in married should be discussed. As we know marriage is a basic right of the people, so nobody can oppose and force someone to marry with someone else. This means that one can marry whomever he or she wishes. However I think that this rule does not apply for gay people, because when rules are made, it is usually based on real life, moral values, and natural law. Marriage is the most important social institution, and it is a formality for the perpetuation of procreation; hence same sex marriage cannot meet this requirement. In other words, same sex marriage does not aid in procreation, which sustains our species. Same sex marriage will destroy our society. Some believe that although gay couples cannot produce children, they can have adopted children and fulfill a social need. That may seem like a good idea, but I am sure that there must be differences between a child who grows up in an environment with same sex couples than with regular heterosexual parents. What do they think? How do they feel? It may be that children who grow up in gay parented family have good physical health, but it is questionable concerning their mental welfare . The mental health of people is what society usually cares and

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