Guatemala Genocide Essay

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Guatemala Genocide written by Delana Quinn What do you know about the Guatemala Genocide? Did you know that the Guatemala Genocide was nick-named the "Cold War" and also the "Civil War" ? Guatemala borders Mexico to the west and north, the Caribbean sea and Honduras to the east, finally El Salvador and the Pacific Ocean to the south. Did you know that 83% of the victims were Maya and Indiano? This war destroyed 626 villages ; and more than 200,000 people were killed! Did you know that this war is still continuing today ? While doing the research for this project, I found it very shocking that a huge Genocide had started all due to a dispute for better land. This whole Genocide started when Guatemalan government refused to get the farmers better land. Guatemala's government was the main reason why this genocide took place, they were to selfish to share their land. One thing I found hard to believe, is that this Genocide is still continuing today. It's clearly not as large as it use to be, but as a small little war, it is still continuing. I also learned that when they killed 626 villages this caused a horrific decrease in people. This Genocide killed 200,000 orphans and 80,000 widows. After completing this project , I found it very interesting that Guatemala is also the one who signed a peace treaty in order to protect human rights. I had also came to find out that 83% of the victims were Mayan and 17% were ladinos. By working in a group , I found that you will have an advantage to being able to have more information for this project. With a combination of four people's minds working together this helps you understand more information which will help your knowledge grow. In our group we only found one problem, our group was very easily distracted. In being in groups you picked yourself you will obviously know that you will tend to drift off topic,
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