管理心理學個案 Essay

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管理心理學個案 主題 激勵:  Rob Parson at Morgan Stanley 創業團隊與職涯發展:  Apple’s Core Readings 哈佛個案 3 Notes 10/28 哈佛個案 4 參考閱讀:We had to own the mistake – an interview with Shultz 11/4 創業家精神  Howard Schultz and Starbucks Coffee Company 演講:創業甘苦談 演講者:亦思科技創辦人江孟峰博士 權力與組織政治:  Thomas Green: Power, Office Politics, and a Career in Crisis 領導、衝突與跨文化管理:  Wendy Peterson 哈佛個案 5 11/11 11/18 哈佛個案 6 11/25 哈佛個案 7 影響力與女性領導: 12/2  Katharine Graham at Washington Post 12/9 12/16 組織文化與企業社會責任:  IKEA 企業社會責任 影片欣賞:安隆風暴 新世代管理:  Old Hand or New Blood  We Googled You 人際衝突:  Martha Rinaldi: Should She Stay or Should She Go? 刻板印象與偏見  影片分析: 費城 學校停課 哈佛個案 10 哈佛個案 9 哈佛個案 8 12/23 12/30 哈佛個案 11 1/6 1/13 2 個案準備工作:請事先閱讀,並在當日上課的第一小時,與小組成員討論以下列出的問題。 個案名稱/教師授課主題  1. 2. 3. 4. 團隊: TerraCog (2008) How have departmental and individual objectives led to the current situation? What is the current decision-making process? What are the strategic and organizational implications for each of the company’s options? What should Emma Richardson do? 個案 1 10/7 Discussion Questions 個案 2 10/14  協商: Hamilton Real Estate 此為Harvard Exercise。上課內容將在課堂中發給同學。無須事先準備。 個案 3 10/21  激勵: Rob Parson at Morgan Stanley (1998) Discussion Questions 1. What is your assessment of Rob Parson’s performance? Should he be promoted? 2. Using the data in the case, please complete the Evaluation and Development Summary presented in Exhibit 3 of the Rob Parson (A) case. 3. If you were Paul Nasr, how would you plan to conduct the performance appraisal conversation? What would your goals be? What issues would you raise and why, and how would you raise them? 4. If you were Rob Parson, how would you conduct yourself in the performance evaluation meeting? What are your goals? How would you try to influence the process? 5. Be prepared to role play the appraisal

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