Greek Democracy Essay

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Democracy appeared in Athens with the reform created by Cleisthenes in the beginning of the fifth century B.C. The word democracy comes from the Greeks words demos, meaning people, and kratia meaning power. There were many elements that went into making this democracy. One, was the type of people who participated in the democracy. Also, the nature of the city-state would impact the democracy of Greek culture. Furthermore, democracy of the Greek culture is not the same as defined in the modern world. The only types of people allowed to participate in the Greek democracy were citizens. Only adult males were allowed to take part in public life and had any input. Foreigners, slaves, and women were not allowed to participate in the Greek democratic process. The nature of the city-state would have an impact on Greek democracy. One example is the Greeks failure to control conflicts amongst themselves. Another example is the city-states were not unified as a country and could not stand up to outside enemies of the Greeks. Both of these examples led to the downfall of the Polis. Although Greek democracy gave a stepping stone to what is seen today as democracy it is not the same as defined in the modern world. One difference was men were the only ones allowed to contribute. In today's democracy, both men and women are allowed to vote. Also, in modern times we have a representative democracy unlike the Greeks who had a direct democracy. I do believe our ideals or concept of democracy did come from the Greeks. However, the democratic government was never accept by the majority of the Greek city-states. It wasn't the actual mass of the population in this democracy but only the majority of male citizens who were the ones to make the decisions for the whole
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