Gods And Goddesses In The Odyssey Essay

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What roles do the gods and goddesses perform in the Odyssey? How important are they to the story? In the Odyssey, the lives of the mortals are in the hands of the Gods. The main hero, Odysseus, greatly depended on the roles of the Gods and Goddesses in securing him a safe journey home to Ithaca. The mortals in the Odyssey are scared of the gods of their great power and influence in their lives. Therefore, they try to act in a manner which will not offend the Gods. The roles of the Gods and Goddesses are a mixture of good over evil which is important to any good story. The super-natural powers of the Gods enables the mortals to interact with them for good or bad. Odysseus was a favourite of the Gods and had most of them on his side and…show more content…
Odysseus does himself no favours by blinding Poseidon’s son the Cyclops and subsequently uses his powers for evil rather than good. He wants revenge and takes his anger out on the man who hurt his son. He makes the sea so dangerous and almost impossible for Odysseus to continue his journey home. The Goddess Calypso’s role in the Odyssey was to show Odysseus’ loyalty and devotion to his wife, Penelope. Odysseus was stranded on the island of Ogygia with the beautiful nymph, but only gave into her against his will. This delays his journey by seven years but he still had the desire to be with Penelope. Odysseus’ time with Calypso is his time of weakness as a full on hero because without the help of his guardian angel Athene, he would never have returned back to his kingdom Ithaca. However, he does rise again to be a true and better hero. Like Poseidon and Calypso the role of the Goddess Circe was to delay Odysseus’ journey home to Ithaca. When he arrived on the island where she lives she turned some of crew into pigs. Thanks to the messenger God Hermes, Odysseus managed to escape from her evil ways by eating

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