Global Warming Lab Makeup

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Amber Stovall August 03, 2012 BI-100 Environmental Biology Global Warming Video- Lab Makeup The whole dvd was interesting, from beginning to end; I learned a lot of neat things that I had never even thought about. For instance, when the West Nile Virus broke out in Colorado and although television channels and the radio were giving warnings to citizens to protect themselves, they didn’t know how to because many of them had never even heard of mosquitoes, let alone knew what they looked like. The most interesting about that scenario is that for every one patient that reported their illness, one hundred fifty other individuals didn’t, I can’t imagine what that state went though doing this time. Another interesting thing in the dvd was when they swayed to the topic of warming sea temperatures. I finally learned what exactly the El Nino was and that it’s southern oscillation sets the pattern for much of the world’s climate. It is terrifying to learn that El Nino is occurring more frequently now that ever before. Although, I’ve heard of El Nino in the past I didn’t know how badly it affected areas so common; I was stunned to find out that the El Nino of Colon in 1983 caused it to rain 2,500 mm., which is fifty times more, or in those three months it rained as much as their average 25 years of…show more content…
They clarified that that particular windfarm has the ability to supply electricity to half a million households and a that a Federal Study estimated that wind power potential in North and South Dakota, Kansa, and Texas could meet the electrical demands of the U.S. That is something that I definitely didn’t know and it makes me wonder that if they did a study on it, why aren’t they moving as quickly to put that study into action. The sooner is always better and if the U.S. were to solely be supplied with power by windfarms, then maybe we as a nation could set one of the best examples for our

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