Give an Account of Peter’s Speech on Pentecost Day and Its Significance.

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The coming for the Holy Spirit on Pentecost day is a very significant event within the church. The timing of this even was very important as it happened at a very large Jewish festival. On the day on Pentecost all of the Apostles were together in the upper room. This is where the Holy Spirit came to the Apostles in the form of wind and tongues of fire. The wind filled the whole house and the tongues of fire rested on each one of them. Wind and fire are symbols that accompanied the arrival of the Holy Spirit- they demonstrate the divine presence of God. They were signs used in the Old Testament to signify Gods presence, in the Old Testament God appeared to Moses in a burning bush. The apostles then went outside and began teaching in Jerusalem. The streets were filled with people from all around the world however because the Holy Spirit granted the Apostles with the ability to speak in tongues, everyone understood the message. This amazed everyone. What exactly does it mean to speak in tongues? This is a question that has been debated much by biblical scholars including a man names Hewitt. Hewitt gave three explanations for the disciple’s miracle of speaking in tongues. The first of these was that the disciples were able to speak in all of the different languages without having to learn any of them, this is the same as the way Luke described the events on this occasion. Hewitt’s second explanation of what happened was that nearly everyone in those days spoke either Aramaic or Greek, and as the disciples spoke these two languages everyone in the crowd would have understood them. The final explanation Hewitt gave was that the apostles were speaking in a form of babbling known as Glossolalia. Stoot, another biblical scholar believes that this language on the day on Pentecost was a supernatural ability, that you could speak and those from all around the world would

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