‘Germany Were Treated Unfairly in the Treaty of Versailles’ to What Extent Do You Agree? (8)

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On one hand, I agree with this statement because the treaty crippled there economy and set them back in the terms of technological developments. For instance, they were made to take all the blame for the war despite the fact they weren’t the sole reason for it or the only side opposing the allies, which is unfair as the Germans are made to take the guilt of the millions of dead after the first war. Also, because of the ‘War Guilt Clause’ they were made to pay $6.6 million to France and Belgium in reparations when Germany itself needed money for it to be rebuilt after the war. Also, Germany had land taken away from it, leading to some Germans nationality to being changed. Also, Germany were restricted to an army only 100,000 strong, which lead to mass unemployment, making the lives of many Germans very difficult. Lastly, they weren’t allowed an air force and had a small navy which made them vulnerable also, when airplanes were beginning to be used commercially, the Germans weren’t able to have this luxury. On the other hand, I disagree with the statement as the Germans were one of the main reasons for the first war and although they weren’t completely to blame, they still were a big reason for the war. The German forces caused a huge amount of damage to France and Belgium and it would be unfair for these countries to have to pay for the repairs completely themselves through their population’s taxes. Also, if Germany were still allowed a full army force the Germans could restart another war or attack a country, which is what they want to prevent. The Germans were forbidden to unite with Austria for the same reason as before, about preventing more war. Overall, I think that the ‘War Guilt Clause’ was unfair and having to pay the whole reparations, but I feel that the other parts of the treaty preventing them from communicating with Austria and limiting their army
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