Geography as - Discuss the Issues Associated with the Exploitation of Antarctica 15 Marker

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Discuss the issues associated with the exploitation of Antarctica The Antarctic is a very unique land that scientists and geographers alike are keen to preserve and protect. This is for a number of reasons, but what makes any interference with the land such a problem is the sheer fragility of the environment as a whole. The slightest things can have effects, for example, a footprint in moss can remain for decades. As a result tourism is kept to an absolute minimum, with the Antarctic Treaty restricting the amount of tourists that can visit the continent by both limiting the amount of landing sites and the frequency of landing on these sites. Problems that have been linked to tourism causing disturbances with the wildlife include things like the fact that the summer tourist season coincides with peak wildlife breeding periods, that the land-based installations and wildlife are clustered on the few ice-free locations on the continent, and that the over-flying by light planes and helicopters is causing stress to breeding colonies of penguins and other birds. On the other hand, because the Antarctic tourism is a well-run industry, people act responsibly and so when the tourists actually visit the wildlife (i.e breeding colonies of penguins/seals etc.) they cause virtually no disturbance or stress to the animals themselves. Because the tourists tend to follow the guidelines set by the Antarctic Treaty there is also little intentional damage caused to the environment as a result of their presence, with little damage to vegetation and no litter attributed to them at all; unfortunately, tourists have a habit of going to see cultural heritage sites like early exploration bases, which causes pressure upon them, and with no actual legal structure in Antarctica a behavioural code such as the one aforementioned would be very hard to actually enforce. Whilst tourism does little

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