Geography Essay

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Category 1: 1. When the features of a globe are transferred onto a flat surface Answer: What is a map projection? 2. This map projection method is used by most nations and international organizations to show the correct size of countries in relation to one another Answer: What is an equal-area map projection? 3. A type of map projection that is suited well for navigation charts because it gives true compass bearings between points, but distorts the size of land masses Answer: What is a Mercator Projection? 4. A map projection that it used as a standard world reference map Answer: What is the Winkel Tripel projection? 5. A map projection that makes countries near the eqautor appear smaller than they are when actually closer to the poles Answer: What is the Mercator map projection? Category 2: 1. A representation of the earth’s features drawn on a flat surface. Answer: What is a map? 2. Maps can be classified into two general categories. Answer: What are large-scale maps and small-scale maps? 3. A professional map maker. Answer: What is a cartographer? 4. Bodies of water, Elevations, and Railway lines can be found on this type of map. Answer: What is a general-purpose map? 5. This map helps to find very specific information about a place. Answer: What is a thematic map? Category 3: 1. This type of map uses symbols to show a variety of features. Answer: What is a topographic map? 2. shows the relationship between the distance on a map & the actual distance on the earth’s surface. Answer: What is a scale? 3. Direct Statement or Verbal Scale, Line Scale or Linear Scale, Representative Fraction Scale (RF Scale) Answer: What are the different types of scales? 4. Measured in cm Answer: What is RF usually measured in? 5. Uses a line to describe the relationship between map & earth’s surface (eg. ruler) Answer: What is a linear scale?

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