Generational Diversity Issues

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1.0 Introduction In today’s world, as businesses are going into globalization, organisations are facing various challenges in the competitive environment. One challenge which organisation will have to face is workplace diversity. Workplace diversity refers to the workforce which consists of members with different human characteristics or from different cultural groups (Daft and Lane 2008). It includes the differences among the members in regards to nationality, race, gender, ethnicity, age, etc. Generational diversity is one of the workplace diversity issues that is arousing attention in these days. In order to strategize for talent management across the various groups of employees, it is crucial to gain a deeper understanding of generational…show more content…
3.1 Diversified Expectations and Perceptions One common issue which organisations might face is the diversified expectations and perceptions of the different generations. This issue refers to how three generational cohorts perceive of each other as managers and co-workers. The differences in expectations and perceptions of the different generations will lead to intergenerational diversity misunderstandings. (Tay 2011) Baby Boomer managers generally do not have high opinions of the employees from Generation X and Y as they perceived the two younger generational cohorts as inconsistent, untrustworthy and calculative on their contributions in work. As the Baby Boomer managers felt that prompt recognition and reward should not be given to the two generational groups of employees, the older managers could be perceived as old-fashion and obstinate. (Tay…show more content…
There are certain knowledge and experiences that the three generations group of managers and employees acquired during their employment with the organisations. These knowledge and experiences are valuable to the organisations as it will be very costly to recover it back once gone. Especially for the Baby Boomers who are retiring sooner, they are the cohort that acquired the most knowledge and experiences as they worked for a longer period as compared to the other two younger generations in the organisations. (Stevens

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