Gene Expression And It’s Importance

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Gene expression is the process of turning a gene on or off. A gene is expressed when the protein it encodes is synthesized. Gene expression is the process of coverting the gentic make-up into protein. It involves two-steps transcription and translation. Transcription is the process of converting the genetic information in the DNA into RNA. The enzymes involved is called RNA polymers the template in transcription is DNA the product in transcption is RNA. Translation is the process of converting the RNA into protein. It involves a protein known as ribosomes the template in translation is mRNA and the product is protein. Prokaryotic cells typically regulate gene expression by blocking transcription via proteins called repressors that bind to the promoter and prevent the RNA polymerase from binding. When the gene needs to be expressed, the repressor will be released from the promoter so that the RNA polymerase can bind. This is the main mechanism by which simple single-celled prokaryotes regulate gene expression. “Gene expression is important in many sciences because the ability quantify the level at which a particular gene is expressed within a cell, tissue or organism can give a huge amount of information.” For example measuring gene expression can identify viral infections, determine an individuals susceptiblity to cancer. In genetics gene expression is the most fundamental level at which the genotype gives rise to the phenotype. “The genetic code stored in DNA is "interpreted" by gene expression, and the properties of the expression give rise to the organism's

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