Gender Roles In Macbeth

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What roles should men and women play? Should women always be weak and passive, never putting forth effort to advance themselves? Must men always be aggressive and have unstoppable ambition? Shakesphere's Macbeth is a story of a man's unmessurable ambition for the throne and his wife's undieing lust for the title of queen. Toward the end of the play Macbeth has been taken over by his ambition. The characters in Macbeth are aften dwelling on gender, which influences many, but not all of their actions throughout the play. This is obvious when seeing the manipulation through gender and the reversal of gender roles in found in the tale of Macbeth. Early in the play, when Lady Macbeth hears that there is a possibility her husband might be the king, she is fueled with ambition. She acts as though she will do anything to be the queen. Although power is appealing to everyone, males tend to desire it more. They see the world as a hiererchy, where keeping or improving one's status and independence is critical, this making Lady Macbeth an exception (2). When her husband doubts his ability to gain the throne Lady Macbeth is quick to question his manhood. This again, throws the reader for a loop, as it seems that Macbeth and his wife have switched roles, making him seem frail and uncertain while Lady Macbeth is motivated and confident. Though she seems to posess the masculine atributes her husband lacks, Lady Macbeth does not fail to use her famine powers to get ahead. Lady Macbeth, like most women, posseses the power of manipulation. Shes uses this to convince her husband to murder. Which is somewhat typical considdering women generally use words to get a head while men are more likely to resort to violence (3). In the beginning of the play Lady Macbeth seems to lack humanity, and is viewed as both blood thirsty and an animalistic villain. In itself, this fact seems to prove

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