Gender & Religiousity

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Identify and briefly explain three reasons why women are more religious than men. Sociologists have argued that women are more religious than men because of their socialisation, life expectancy and Status deprivation. Millerand Hoffmann (1995) said tha due to gender socialisation women are more submissive, passive and obeidient than males and due to this nature are more religious than men. These qualities that women have been socialised with linked to religion, as their submisssive nature makes women more willing to commit and follow religion. Women are more nurturing then men and religion is seen as love, comfort & forgiveness which links with traditional family roles and femininty. Statistics show that women on average live longer than men, life expectancy is another explanation of why women tend to be more religious than men. As women live longer they are more close and exposed to death e.g widowed or death of others near them, they are therefore more likely to question the meaning of life and an afterlife. Many religions have a community spirit and support their members, women who have been widowed or are grieving may turn to their religion for support. However life expectancy does not take into account other social or cultural differences that may effect why women are more religious than men. Another explanation is that women are more likely to be more religious than men is status frustration. Status frustration can be experience by some women, who may lack fulfilment and status, due to being economically deprived or being in caregiving roles. Women are more likely to be economicallly deprived as they have lower middles-class jobs, they may also lack fulfilment as women are caregivers and homemakers. By following religious beliefs women may find compensation, also participation in NAMs will allow them to unlock their inner potential. However in
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