Gen200 Personal Responsibility and Academic Success Paper

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PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY AND ACADEMIC SUCCESS University of Phoenix Gen/200 Foundations for General Education and Professional Success Professor Donna Cooper Abstract In this student’s mind, personal responsibility is the single most critical aspect of earning your teaching. While there are many facets involved in learning such as time management and commitment, these essential characteristics are all still just another form of personal responsibility. Personal responsibility is that which a student holds themselves accountable to get work accomplished without the true direction or supervision of anyone but the student themselves. This paper will investigate into further detail as to why this student believes that personal responsibility is the cornerstone intellectual tool needed for success in the classroom or online setting. In college, a student finds that a tremendous amount of flexibility is common. No one is monitoring your progress. There is no parental attendance monitoring or assignment completion. The student is responsible for all academic progress. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY AND ACADEMIC SUCESS A reliable source says, “Personal responsibility is being accountable to oneself and the needs and well-being of others.” A college student may experience an unknown degree of freedom. For example, are no longer living in their parent’s house or living with their rules. There will be no screen to any comings or goings. No one will pay attention with whom they associate with. No one will observe whether or not they are attending class. Personal responsibility has several other meanings. Personal responsibility can include meanings such as personal growth. It may indicate the strength of a character, appropriate choice making, dependency and the like. Personal responsibility is a persons’ ability to take care

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