Gekko Case Study

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1a) Bull Market - A market where there is a high demand in a particular stock of a company and there are more buyers of that stock in the company than there are sellers of the stock. This therefore causes the share prices to increase, because of the increased demand and interest in the stock. 1b) Bear market - A market that shows a decline of share prices. This market usually compromises of more sellers of the particular stock than there are buyers. As there are more sellers, this causes investors to adopt some doubt and therefore encourages more selling. This will therefore cause the share price to decrease. 1c) Take-over - This is when a company tries to achieve a large control of another company by buying a large majority of shares within the said company. By having more shares, the company who bought the shares will have a larger role in the…show more content…
Barnes’ office and finds out that Mr. Barnes’ uncle has contents of information about potential mergers and acquisitions. • Bud then buys a large stake in the cleaning service that cleans for Rogers firm. • Bud then goes to Rogers uncle’s office at night (as part of the cleaning service) and then scans information about future mergers and acquisitions that might go through and those that might fail. 13. • Gekko raises his son with no distinction between what is right and wrong as Gekko himself is often immoral in business. • Gekko raises his son into valuing and putting himself before others in order to succeed at any cost. • Gekko raises his son with values of taking the easy way out in order to succeed as Gekko is known for taking shortcuts when investing in companies and does not look to invest for the long term. • Bud Fox was raised with values of knowing the difference between right and wrong and was raised to not value money over everything else. • Bud was raised to put values into people and enjoy social companionship and was raised to have patience as well as to work hard for things he
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