Gang Murders Analysis

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TEEN STABBED IN LOCAL PARK/GANG WARS GET SERIOUS Tulsa, OK- A teen was found stabbed to death in Centennial Park on Friday, September 24th. Sources say it was a result of a gang fight between two rival gangs. The Tulsa Police Department took DNA found at the scene and hope to identify the murderer within a week. Neighbors nearby say they saw two young boys running away from the scene. "I saw two shadows moving quickly away from the center of the park at about 2:45AM. From the shapes, I could tell immediately that they were young males." A witness (wanting to remain anonymous) told to police in the morning, only a few hours after the murder. Only a day after the crime was reported, the TPD announced that the victim's name was Robert "Bob" Sheldon, an 18-year-old senior that attended Oklahoma High School. One of Sheldon's friends offered to share some insight on what he was like.…show more content…
He was the best buddy a guy could ever have. He was a real person, good lookin', smart, and got pretty much everything he wanted." Randy Adderson, Bob Sheldon's best friend, said. Sheldon's girlfriend, Sherri "Cherry" Valance, had more to add about his life. "He was sweet and friendly, and stood out from the crowd," Valance said. "I know I'm too young to be in love, but Bob was something special. He wasn't just any boy. Bob had something that made people follow him, something that made him different, and maybe a little better than the crowd." A funeral for Robert Sheldon is set to be held on Thursday, September 30th at 4:30pm at the Oaklawn

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