Galapagos Islands Essay

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Galapagos Islands Date of Inscription: 1978 Extension: 2001 Criteria: (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) Core Zone: 14066514 ha Cantons: San Cristobal, Santa Cruz and Isabella, Province of Galapagos No.49 0.012 W91 0 0 Ref: Ibis The islands are volcanic in origin, with level shorelines and mountainous interiors in high central craters, some rise more than 1520m (5000ft.) above sea level. Several volcanoes are active. The islands are fringed with mangroves, farther inland, still in coastal regions, where very little rain falls and the vegetation consists mainly on thorn trees, cactus and mesquite. Uplands are exposed to a heavy mist, the flora is more luxuriant. The climate and temperature of the waters surrounding the islands are modified by the cold Humboldt Current from the Antarctic. The Galapagos group are noted for its fauna and numerous animals found only in the archipelago and different subspecies on separate islands. The archipelago has six unique species of Giant Tortoise (Span. Galapagos-the island name) .Reptiles on the island, include two species of large lizards from the Iguana family and an unusual marine lizard that dives into the ocean for seaweed. The island contains as many as eighty-five different species of birds, including ·flamingos · flightless cormorants · finches ·penguins Sea Lions and many different shore fish are numerous. Part of the Galapagos is wildlife sanctuary. Preservations efforts in place are, Charles Darwin Research Station and the Galapagos National Park service began emergency efforts to preserve a nearly disseminated population of iguanas and are now

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