Funny Thing Called Perfection

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That Funny Thing Called Perfection Miss America. We all know she is to be the role model all of us fail to see within Celebrity now a-days and she is titled as the top Perfect person in the United States. With today's society, being perfect is defined as "Being an impossible image; impossible to ever actually exist". Which, is exactly what it sounds to be. Laura Kaeppelar is Miss America of 2012 and what seems to come across as perfect, may not be so perfect after all. She has had plastic surgery a total of 6 times and counting in her cheeks, nose, chin and forehead. According to a study conducted by South Texas Research Organization, out of every 15 women, 11 wish they were perfect. Perfect? So basically is what your saying is you wish you could have plastic surgery and wear 20 pounds of make up to appear as someone who doesn’t even exist? According to a study conducted by the social issues research center, updated on April 4th, 2012 By Kate Fox, 8 out of 10 women will be dissatisfied with their own reflection, yet on average, every girl looks at her self in the mirror 71 times a day. We need to look deeper within reality and realize that imperfection is and always will be more beautiful than the alternative. So before we begin I need you to get rid of that, get rid of that funny thing we all call “Perfection.” First, I would like to talk about how striving for perfectionism is only actually setting yourself up for disappointment. According to a study conducted by Kenneth Fields, "Excessive striving for approval by that authority becomes the means to obtain perfection which can cause undue stress and pressure which can then actually diminish performance resulting in approval ratings that are less than desired and then causing frustration, anger and depression." Within the own assets of our minds, we build a cautious that block us from ever being our true selves

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