Frog Compare Adn Contrast

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Nicole Shireman Mrs. Mohr Composition Compare & Contrast Essay November 21, 2014 Compare: Toads & Frogs Most people find it difficult to find the difference between toads and frogs. They are very easy to confuse which is which unless you know a little about them. There are many differences in toads and frogs. I have a toad and a frog so I can point out the differences between the two Frogs have different shapes, colors, and the way they feel is even different. They have smooth skin that is wet. They live next to water. They have all kinds of different colors of eyes. Some frogs have sticky little suction cups on their feet and some even have webbed feet. Not all frogs are the same. I have a pet toad and a pet frog and they are totally different from each other. Toads also have different shapes, and they feel the same with a smooth wet skin but, they don’t have very many colors like frogs do. Toads have a bumpy skin. They live in woods and in gardens. They have webbed feet like most of the frogs do. Toads have pretty much the same color of eyes unlike frogs. Toads and frogs get their food the same way. They catch their food with their tongues. They eat things like bugs, fish and other things they can get their tongues on. The difference between them while they eat is that frogs have small like teeth and toads do not. Toads and frogs and very similar and very different in many ways, that why people mistake them. They have different texture of skin, they eat different, different eyes, and they also have different

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