Friend Zone - Social Psychology

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It is without question that one of the most important aspects of being a living organism is the need to reproduce. Humans are no exception; just like dogs and cats and every other sexually reproducing organism under the sky, we must find a mate that will give us the chance to pass down our genes to offspring. However, there is a catch with humans that does not seem apparent with other organisms; humans are much more capable of obtaining what we call “friends” – people we share bonds with that are usually not sexual partners or related to us by blood. This concept of “friends” can cause issues when one person is seeking a sexual partner and the other person does not wish to make that progression. In recent years, this dissonance between people has been labeled as the “friend zone,” defined by Urban Dictionary as, What you attain after you fail to impress a woman you’re attracted to. Usually initiated by the woman saying, “You’re such a good friend”. Usually associated with long days of suffering and watching your love interest hop from one bad relationship to another. (Urban Dictionary, 2003) Note that a woman is generally responsible for the occurrence of this phenomenon. Although Urban Dictionary is the only source of a decent definition, the “friend zone” is a real occurrence. It can be seen in daily life as well as in popular culture. Most notably, the movie Just Friends starring Ryan Reynolds and Amy Smart, has a scene where the female character informs the male character that she “loves him like a brother,” which defeats any hopes for him to obtain the sexual relationship he desires. Said zone can also be obtained when a break-up occurs; nearly every man has heard a woman tell him, “I think we are better off as friends,” which indicates a desire to be nothing more than friends. However, when the previous statement is used during a break-up, there is

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