Freshwater vs Saltwater Fishing

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Freshwater vs. Saltwater Fishing When people hear the word fishing they think of sitting on a boat or bank enjoying the serene scenery around them as they wait for that big catch. Depending on where you live, both can be seen as a short get away from your usual everyday task and be quite relaxing to boot. From my experience, freshwater fishing was pretty easy to learn without much of a hassle. The hardest thing that I had to learn was untangling my line after it got snagged in a tree. This was no easy task to do while standing in a boat. It is my belief that freshwater fishing is easier to get into than saltwater fishing because saltwater fishing is harder to access, harder to use equipment, and is overall more expensive. Now this may vary with location but usually, freshwater fishing spots are more common and easier to find than good saltwater fishing spots. If you live far inland, in states like Nebraska, then you’d have to do quite a bit of travelling to find a nice saltwater spot. Then there’s also the boating procedure. With freshwater fishing, it’s just as simple as finding a spot on the bank to unload your boat. Saltwater on the other hand requires you to find an unoccupied unloading dock so that you can get your equipment setup. This can be problematic because bodies of saltwater fishing spots are usually a little more crowded due to having both your average saltwater fisherman and those who commercial fish. While saltwater fishing in a boat, you run a high risk of becoming seasick. This is because of how the water will constantly rock the boat; however, this isn’t the case in the much calmer freshwater. Seasickness can really hinder your fishing experience; it can either cause you to stop earlier than planned or even make you miss that catch that you’ve been waiting for. When it comes to teaching your kids how to fish then freshwater beats saltwater

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