Freedman: Three Statistics For Climate Change

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Mauricio Pena MBA 584 Junkscience Paper Freedman: Three Statistics for Climate Change On his article, “Three Statistics for Climate Change”, Andrew Freedman tells us how nations are getting concern about the climate changes and how they are using statistical results to indentify the problem and also to find a solution. A couple of months ago seventeen nations got together in France in an effort to make the world’s biggest greenhouse gas emitters decrease the emissions that are affecting our environment, but unluckily there was no progress and no solutions for this concern. A second attempt for climate change talks was initiated by the United Nations but again there were no results and the problem kept getting worse as the time advances. As Freedman said in his article “The climate talks are difficult because they involve the central tension between the needs of the world’s poor and the interest of the rich”. There are countries that one could say “need more emissions” in order to obtain a higher standard of living and other countries that need their current emissions to stay in the same living standard. Every nation is just pointing fingers against each other and no one is taking responsibility for their actions. A good example is the Unites States asking China and India to reduce their emission of greenhouse houses, but at the same time these countries ask the United States to do it first since they signed the “U.N Framework Convention on Climate Change” in 1992. While this is happening the Maldives, a small island, could be affected by the climate change and be erased from the map if the sea level keeps increasing. What Andrew Freedman is trying to show on his article is a different point of view that nations could use to finally find a solution or at least try to do something about the issue and this is by using statistics. There are three statistics

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