Frederick Douglass: The Life Of A Gentleman Slave

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Etienne Reynolds | Freshman Composition 2 Etienne Reynolds | Freshman Composition 2 "Knowledge is the pathway from slavery to freedom." "Knowledge is the pathway from slavery to freedom." Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey The Life of a Gentleman Slave Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey The Life of a Gentleman Slave Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey Social reformer, orator, writer, slave. Most people know the massive wave of reforms generated by the indomitable ship that was Frederick Douglass, but not many know his meager beginnings or just how much change just one man was capable of causing. Life as a Slave Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey, later to be known as simply Frederick Douglass, was born a…show more content…
Her freedom added fuel to the blazing fire that was his desire for being free of the shackles of racism. On September 3, 1838 Douglass successfully escaped by boarding a train to Havre de Grace, Maryland wearing the sailor’s uniform of a free sailor, using money from Ms. Anna Murray, and the identification papers of another free seaman. When asked what it was like to be free, Douglass responded, “I have often been asked, how I felt when first I found myself on free soil. And my readers may share the same curiosity. There is scarcely anything in my experience about which I could not give a more satisfactory answer. A new world had opened upon me. If life is more than breath, and the 'quick round of blood,' I lived more in one day than in a year of my slave life. It was a time of joyous excitement which words can but tamely describe. In a letter written to a friend soon after reaching New York, I said: 'I felt as one might feel upon escape from a den of hungry lions.' Anguish and grief, like darkness and rain, may be depicted; but gladness and joy, like the rainbow, defy the skill of pen or pencil.” (Douglass, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave) After settling in, Douglass sent for Anna Murray to follow him to New York and she arrived with the essentials for getting them fully settle. They were married on September 15, 1838, by a black Presbyterian minister…show more content…
speaking at conventions and gatherings earning support, friends, and enemies. One of the most well-known species he gave was at Lincoln’s memorial in Washington’s Lincoln Park as its’ keynote speaker. He spoke frankly about Lincoln stating both the negatives and positives of the former President. He called Lincoln the “white mans’ president” and scolded his tardiness at backing emancipation. He reminded everyone that while Lincoln didn’t promote the expansion of slavery initially, he did nothing to prevent it either. But Douglass also asked, “Can any colored man, or any white man friendly to the freedom of all men, ever forget the night which followed the first day of January 1863, when the world was to see if Abraham Lincoln would prove to be as good as his word?” (Douglass, Oration in Memory of Abraham Lincoln) The crowd was roused by his impassioned speech and he was given a standing ovation, high praise from the white community at the time. On February 20, 1895 Douglass attended a meeting of the National Council of Women in Washington

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