Forensic Science in the Use of an Investigation

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INTRODUCTION Forensic science has evolved into a necessity for the criminal justice world. Before the development of forensic science, many of the cases heavily relied upon confessions and testimonies of witness. Forensic science has provided law enforcement officers with other alternative, such as trace evidence and the reliable forms of evidence that can stand up to scrutiny. Without forensic science, criminals would be committing the same crimes repeatedly. While criminals get more creative, the criminal justice system and the forensic science specialists have to update the techniques and tools that are used while obtaining evidence for the new crimes. Furthermore, medicine and technology are vital tools for the forensic science department to use to help explain the actions of the criminals. Using the results of the crimes it’s essential for law enforcement agents because they are given the power to help convict an individual as well as the prevention of future crimes. The origin of this type of science cannot be accurately pinpointed however, according to writer H.J. Walls’ in his article “Whiter Forensic Science’’ it started as a hobby of a few scientists who liked to become mixed up in the proceedings of the police and enjoyed the kind of problems this association brought them (Walls 32).” Another writer Cowan in his article “Decision Theory in Law, Science, and Technology” The aim of science, traditionally put, is to search out the ways in which truth may become known. Law aims at the just resolution of human conflict. Truth and justice, we might venture to say, having different aims, use different methods to achieve them. Unfortunately, this convenient account of law science is itself neither true nor just. For law must know what the truth is within the context of the legal situation: and science finds itself ever engaged in

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