Food And Nutrition Assistance Research Paper

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Wisconsin Food and Nutrition Assistance Ever since the United States went into recession, everyone has struggled through many different hardships in order to make ends meet. Whether it be their home has gone into foreclosure because they can no longer afford to live in their dream home, or they can no longer afford the healthy and nutritional foods their families are used to, or they may not even be able to afford health bills and utility bills anymore. No matter what the hardship each individual goes through, the government has been going through their own struggle to support programs to assist those with these needs (Horn). State caseloads for food stamps have been growing by the tens of thousands (Horn). A record high in May of 2011…show more content…
Anyone is able to apply for any of the benefits provided by the state of Wisconsin and if they meet the program rules they will receive benefits (WDHS). People might think that if they are currently employed or own a car or home they would not qualify for food and nutrition assistance, but there are no rules stating these things would disqualify you (WHDS). Individual eligibility all depends on your family’s monthly income and the size of your family (WDHS). Individuals who are interested in any of the food assistance programs must be able to provide a complete list of sources of income for every family member receiving one. Monthly benefits will then be calculated depending on the total amount. As for example in the table below, FoodShare monthly income limits/maximum benefit amount are as…show more content…
The welfare programs had a drastic drop in recipients between 1996 and 2004 by 9 million cases, the “Welfare Revolution” (Cancian). During this time, millions had entered the labor market and began to learn how to benefit from federal aid programs (Cancian). In the 1990’s welfare gained much criticism because the recipients had felt that being on welfare was much more beneficial than being a part of the work force. Welfare income was exceeding the amount of income from the labor market and this was causing quite an issue. Women were choosing not to work in order to receive more welfare benefits long term (Cancian). Without the benefit of welfare, a rise in poverty among women and children would occur. A change needed to occur within the welfare program policies to take women off of the benefits and put them in the labor market. The Personal responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996 eliminated the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) and replaced it with Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) in order to require that women be working in order to receive assistance (Cancian). This was only one policy change in regards to the criticism. Although, the women would no longer be able to receive welfare assistance without work, there were other benefits to the change of assistance program. The TANF would help women transition rapidly

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