Flush Carl Hiaasen Summary

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The title of my book is Flush. The author of my book is Carl Hiaasen. The setting is Miami, Florida. The characters Noah, Abbey, Mother, Father, Lice Peeking, and Mr. Muleman. This is a short summary of my book. At first the father thought that Mr. Muleman was dumping his sewage into the Coral Queen so the father sunk there boat. He had to go to jail for a while and he told Noah to go to Lice Peeking. Lice peeking used to work for Mr. Muleman so he would know if they were or weren’t. So they got him to sign a document saying that they do dump it in there. And in the end it all works out he gets out of jail and they are all friends again! This book was scary. This book was also odd. Finally this book is exciting.…show more content…
When they were about to leave the place someone came and put there arm around Abbey and it didn’t tell what she did till the next chapter. To tell you the truth I really didn’t want to read it because I was scared something bad was going to happen. It turned out she just bit him really hard and it worked! The book was odd because some of the stuff just didn’t make any sense to me like why they snuck out of the house so may times. And when the father didn’t want to get out of jail it made no sense because he could have gotten bailed out! Stuff like that just doesn’t make any sense to me! Finally the book was exciting. It was exciting because every chapter had an important detail. It was very important to listen good to all the parts because it was interesting. The book had a lot of moments where the text got exciting! My book was scary at times. My book was also odd at times. Finally it was exciting. But in the end it was a good
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