Five Pillars Essay

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The first of the Five Pillars of Islam is the Shahadah. The Shahadah is to hold witness. Like many religions Muslim bear witness so that they may show faith and help inform others about their religion. The second pillar is daily prayer. The faithful pray five times a day. They face Mecca and recite either a series of passages or prayers from the Qur’an. They believe repeating these prayers multiple times strengthen your faith. The third pillar is zakat. Zakat is a tithing and almsgiving. At the end of the year the zakat require followers to give 2.5% of their wealth to needy Muslims. The forth pillar is fasting. Muslims are encouraged to fast often but it is required to fast during Ramadan. Fasting is said to be good for the body and soul. It is supposed to help your body burn up impurities and is supposed to strengthen your will power to fight temptation. The last of the Five Pillars is Hajj. The Hajj is a great pilgrimage to Mecca. This is only expected once in a person’s life. People perform series of symbolic rituals designed to bring the faithful as close as possible to God. The hardest of the Five Pillars for me to perform would be fasting. I like food way too much. Granted you are able to eat after the sun goes down and before it rises. I am not sure I would be able to avoid temptation. Especially now that restaurant are everywhere. I see the benefits and the meaning behind fasting. Even with that it would be the hardest one for me. The easiest of the Five Pillars for me would be the Zakat. I would have no problem donating money to help others. I believe that is a good practice for everyone to do. Most every religion has some form of tithing or offering that goes to help the church or people. If it were possible I would give more than the 2.5% because once you think about it 2.5% is not that much in total. If you made 32 thousand that year your tithing
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