Five Events Related To The Watergate Scandal

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University of Phoenix Material Modern America Matrix Week 4 Week 4: 1970s Watergate From the following list, choose five events related to the Watergate scandal. Identify the basic facts, dates, and purpose of the event in 2 to 3 sentences in the Identify column. Include why the event is significant in the Significance column, and add a reference for your material in the Reference column. • CREEP • Dirty tricks • Break-in • Erwin Committee • Archibald Cox • The Washington Post • Woodward and Bernstein • Mark Felt • John Dean • Phone tapings • Saturday Night Massacre • Spiro Agnew • Supreme Court and tapes • Smoking Gun • Resignation • Ford pardons Nixon Event Identify Significance Reference Break-in The break-in…show more content…
This is unusual because basic economic concepts should tell that if less people are employed, there will be less demand for goods, which will drive down the price of goods to attract remaining customers. Stagflation came about in the recession during 1973 – 1975. President Nixon had set price freezes which prevented price increases from U.S. businesses. When import prices rose, businesses could not raise their prices so they had to lay workers off. President Nixon’s actions caused import prices to rise such as removing the U.S. from gold standard. Stagflation made the financial lives of business and individuals very difficult during the 1970s. The Iranian Hostage Crisis On November, 1979, a group of Iranian students stormed the U.S. embassy in Tehran and took over 60 Americans hostage as a result of the U.S. allowing the expelled Shah of Iran to enter the U.S. to receive cancer treatment. It was also to raise awareness of the group’s leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. The group was also displeased with U.S. involvement in Iranian affairs, particularly fuel. It is believed by some that the Iranian Hostage Crisis cost Jimmy Carter a second term as president.…show more content…
The FLPMA gave the government full control of activities in certain restricted land. People of the western states did not agree, feeling that the land was being taken away from them. The FLPMA heavily restricted these lands. They could not be used for mining, digging, parks, or any other commercial use. The Sagebrush Rebellion caused the government to relinquish some level of control. Energy Crisis The Energy Crisis began when OPEC imposed an embargo on oil in 1973. Previously, the U.S. had believed that the Arab nations could not afford to lose the U.S. and other countries’ business but they turned out to be wrong. The event that eventually led to the energy crisis was the development of the state of Israel. OPEC’s embargo caused the price per barrel of oil to go from $3 to $12. Many rules were imposed in the U.S. to conserve energy such as national speed limits, requests not to put up holiday lights, etc.

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