First Aid Reflective Account

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First aid reflective account ac[1.1] identify the role and responsibilities of an emergency first aider- On 17th January 2013 I attended a study lesson on emergency first aid where we learnt the roles and responsibility’s of a first aider and how to carry out those responsibilities. Performing a primary survey, recognising the injury/problem, treat within my competency, seek help when needed and report incidents appropriately. ac[1.2] describe how to minimise the risk of infection to self and others – You can reduce the risk of infection to yourself on others by washing your hands with soap and water using the 10 guide. Wearing gloves when treating casualty’s so that you don’t come into contact with bodily fluids. Clearing up bodily fluids after an accident from floor with achti chlor so that any harmful bacteria is killed. ac[1.3] describe how to complete an incident report form – If an incident has happened or if you notice there is risk of an incident occuring you need to fill in an incident form. These are located at the nurses station. It contains all the information needed to help resolve any risk and audited to stop the same risk from re-recurring. An incident form is split into different sections these are:- 1a Patient or staff details, this is the person affected by the incident and will contain their name, address, date of birth and if staff job title and division. 1b- Status of patient, whether they are an inpatient or outpatient. 2- Any other person that witnessed the incident or was involved. 3- Details of who who is filing in the report form. 4-Location of incident for example ward and room number. 5- The code for the incident which can be found at the front of all incident form books. 6- Detail and factual description of the incident, date, what happened and why it happened if a reason. 7- Medication, if it involved any medications it

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