Firo-B vs. Belbin

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The two personality tests that we are going to discuss here are Belbin’s Team Roles Theory and Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation Behavior (FIRO-B). We will look into the similarities and dissimilarities between the two models and draw out conclusions about their goodness of fit in case of a team. Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation was introduced by William C. Schutz in his book titled “FIRO: A three-dimensional theory of interpersonal behavior” which was published in 1958. The theory explains that whenever people come together to form a group, they are looking for three main things  Affection/Openness: the extent to which we express our affection for others and desire that from them  Control: the extent to which we control the actions of others or want others to guide or control us  Inclusion: the extent to which we include ourselves with others and want others to include us (California State University, Sacramento – A talk on Interpersonal Needs: W.F.Owen) To measure how much interaction a person wants in these interpersonal areas, Schutz designed an evaluation that contained six scales of nine questions each. He called this measurement tool FIRO-B. It gives a graded score from 0 to 9 in scales of expressed and wanted behavior. While the expressed behavior score measures the level at which a person expresses to others and the wanted behavior score shows the level of how much a person wants from others. Where E is expressed behavior towards others and W is the wanted behavior from others. Schutz said that in each of the three areas there would be three types of evident behavior: (1) deficient, (2) excessive and (3) ideal. Using this as the base he identified the following types of outcomes: Inclusion Type • The Under social (Low EI, Low WI) • The Over social (High EI, High WI) • The Social (Moderate EI, Moderate WI)
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