Fingerprints, Lie Detectors, and Bomb Detectors

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Fingerprinting, Lie Detector Tests, and Bomb Detector Tests Fingerprinting, lie detector tests, and bomb detector tests are three very important tools used by law enforcement in the ongoing fight against criminal activity. All three methods can be very effective in helping to identify and catch people involved in criminal acts. However, they are all used for very different reasons. Fingerprinting is used to identify people, lie detector tests are used to find the truth, and bomb detector tests are used to locate any bombs. Fingerprinting has been serving law enforcement and the government for more than 100 years. The unique thing about fingerprints is that no two fingerprints have ever been proven to be exactly alike. Billions of fingerprints have been entered into databases and logged into computer applications. When fingerprints are compared to other fingerprints, it shows that none of them are exactly alike, not even with identical twins. In 1977, the first professional certification program was established to issue certification to individuals who have met very strict criteria on identifying fingerprints. Fingerprints have been around since prehistoric times, but they were stored much differently than they are today. Some examples are that in Nova Scotia they used to draw pictures of a hand with ridge patterns, in Babylon they would put fingerprints on clay tablets, and in China they would place thumb prints on clay seals. There were several professors that studied fingerprints starting way back in the 1600’s. Although they wrote down that the ridges of the fingerprints had spirals and loops and patterns, they didn’t say anything about it being a way to identify people. However, in July of 1858, a Magistrate from India named Sir William James Herschel decided to use the palm impressions from a person he had a contract with to scare the guy into

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