Finding the Hidden Message

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Felicia Samaroo ENC 1102 June 12, 2012 Professor Higgins Finding the Hidden Message Explicate! Explicate! What does it mean? Well in a nutshell, to investigate the hidden message, to examine the details. Often poets provide their audience with hints to discover the meaning inserted in their work. It is the job of the reader to be an investigator and reveal what that is. Reading a poem and understanding it doesn’t always come easy to some readers. That’s why there are several methods presented to use to help explicate a poem. The form of Thomas’s poem, “Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night,” provides rhyme, repetition, and length that present the concealed theme to fight death. For one thing, adding rhyme to his poem, “Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night,” Dylan Thomas uses this technique of form to offer the dominant idea, fighting death. When Thomas uses rhyme in his poem he provides the audience with words that define the theme. For instance, in addition to rhyming, Thomas uses words metaphorically in each stanza of his work. Metaphoric words are used as a figure of speech to compare two objects, but not taken literally. One example is when the writer uses “night” as a metaphor for death (Thomas 3). Having words that rhyme might also makes it easier to distinguish other words in the poem. It would be like reading a nursery rhyme. When the rhyming of words is presented in a poem, it draws attention to them often making it easier to understand. When an audience hears repeated words, it gives them time to think about the significance of those words. Overall, whether the theme is understood right away or not; rhyming words that are provided in a poem offer suggestions to find the hidden message. Certainly, using repetition is a great way for remembering the theme of a poem as well as expressing emotions. Dylan Thomas offers repetition
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