Financial Literacy Essay

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If you were to ask me to say in a few words why financial literacy is important to me, it would be something like: "Because it contributes to the financial well-being of the Filipinos". That's because it does what it says – the more financially literate we are, the better placed we are to make decisions that enhance our well-being. No matter who we are. That’s why seminars such as these are so important. Ladies and gentlemen, it’s my pleasure to welcome you to the Youth Awareness: Substantial Ways to Financial Literacy Seminar. This is an ideal opportunity to build on the progress of the pinnacle of 2012, and it's great to see so many interested individuals in this vital subject. Assalamualaikum & Good morning! It’s always morning in the business world. I am Fatmah Salam Alip Pangadapun, a 3rd year student of RC-AKIC taking up Bachelor of Science in Accountancy. Before I start, let me express my sincere gratitude to Mr. Hanafi, my mentor, who I know has been a driving force behind this gathering, for having me here today as the Young Ambassador of Goodwill of the United Nations of the Eastern Hemisphere. Thank you Sir. Now allow me to raise this question, do you ever wonder how this youth awareness relates with financial literacy? Well, I think as a young individual, it would be much more beneficial to us if we are financially literate at this early stage of our lives making it easier for us to handle financial matters in the future. So how do we define financial literacy? The ability to understand finance? Yes. But it’s not just that. More specifically, it possesses the skills and knowledge on financial matter to confidently take effective action that best fulfils an individual’s personal family and global community goals. Does financial literacy really matter? Of course. Financial literacy matters at many levels. From a social welfare

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