Figuratuve Language vs. Literal Language

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Assignment 2: " Figurative Language versus Literal Language " Angie H. Dr. C.K. PHI210– Critical Thinking January 24, 2013 Figurative language is an important part of the English language and it allows a person to better express their thoughts. Although, there are some people who are quite thoughtless in using figurative language and they cause confusion and misunderstandings. That is probably the reason why so many non-English speakers say that the English language is one of the most difficult languages to learn. Why, because we would rather use figurative language to explain something INSTEAD of using the literal language to explain themselves. Many times, even English speaking folks find it just as confusing to comprehend figures of speech – not to mention the new comers and foreigners of the English language. Below are a few types of figurative language that I will try to define and give examples to help give understanding of the idiom, analogy, metaphor, simile, cliché, amphiboly, flame word, hyperbole, euphemism, and colloquialism. Idiom is a word or phrase that mean something different from what it is actually (literally) saying. “Mind your P's and Q's'” is an idiom that literally means be on your best behavior. A good time to use this phrase is when it is an imperative for politeness, etiquette, and social propriety. For instance, "We're going to have dinner at the White House, so be on your best behavior. Mind P's and Q's'." Analogy compares certain similarities between things that are usually different and unrelated. Most people that speak the same language or those that are within the same small social groups of people may understand some analogies. These are the analogies that are regularly shared bind the group together. Then there are analogies that are only understood by people living in a certain area, community, region or
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