Fib-utan: The Deceit Behind the Promise

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Fib-utan: The Deceit Behind the Promise From the beginning of literary time, fads have been known to appear and disappear. Strong beliefs and ideals have been instilled in culture, only to later disintegrate. Many leaders have decietfully woven their way into positions of power, in order to abuse this power and take the fall. Throughout history, the human mind has inevitably proven to be easily manipulated. With the right techniques, it does not take much for an image to be branded in one's mind, and a message to have a lasting effect. According to the text "Social Communication in Advertising", "material objects produced for consumption in the marketplace not only satisfy needs, but also serve as markers and communicators for interpersonal distinctions and self-expression" (Leiss, et al., 5). In an age where society is seeking variables of self-expression, a vulnerable culture has been created with more insecurities than ever before. With technological developments, the indoor tanning salon provides distinction for those who seek variety and differentiation in their skin tone. However, these salons too have proven to be masters of manipulation, purposely misleading the public in order to gain their business, while ignoring the ill effects that irrefutably exist. This paper will highlight the deceit and manipulation, with specific focus on a Fabutan ad campaign which claims that receiving Vitamin D from a tanning bed is "the way nature intended it". In order to understand the fascination with tanning and appearance, it is important to acknowledge that it stems from a society of expectations. A look at historical ideals around the world reflects a variety of different expectations; no time and place maintain the same standards of beauty and acceptance throughout history. Social scientists through their studies, have come to acknowledge "that a

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