Features of Monopolistic Competition

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Features of Monopolistic Competition MC is close to perfect competition as it has many small firms competing with each other, with low barriers to entry. The main difference is in some small differentiation of the good or service supplied. Think of fast food restaurants, small shops, hairdressers, garages. Most MC markets are in services. There are many firms and ease of entry with low barriers and exit costs. Thus in the long run profits tend towards normal as new firms enter if there are high short run profits. There is product differentiation with each firm making a slightly different good or service. We are loyal to our hairdresser or garage, or prefer the local shop even with higher prices as its service is its nearby and stays open late. Each firm has a small degree of monopoly power because of product differenciation. It keeps some of its customers loyal even when it increases prices – its demand curve slopes downward compared to the flat PC demand curve. There are short run monopoly profits with AR above AC due to the downward sloping demand curve which allows price increases without loss of all customers. With low barriers to entry new firms enter if there are short run profits until only normal profits are made. The entry of new firms causes excess capacity in MC in the long run. So many firms are attracted by the short run, high monopoly profits from product differentiation, that each firm operates with excess capacity – high up on its average cost curve – show this on a diagram. Thus MC is allocatively and productively inefficient. Firms will advertise in order to attract customers – another cost and inefficiency that comes from MC. There will be non-price competition including innovations and firms try to capture market share or make their product seem so unique they gain more monopoly power. To avoid wasted capacity it

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