Fathers Are More Significant Than Mothers

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Jon Hobbs Fathers have a more significant role than mothers Sigmund Freud once said, “I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father's protection.” The role of a father in a child’s life is the biggest and most important. Fathers teach their children very important lessons that most mothers can’t. Most mothers teach their children how to be clean and organized and loving and nice to everyone. Most fathers, on the other hand, teach children how to play sports, be strong, stay fit, and be determined. Although, unfortunately, in some families the father plays little to no role in a child’s life, most families could not run without the constant help of the father. It is up to the father to show his kids how to make it socially and mentally in the world soon coming for them. A child is more attached to his mother from birth, but as he or she grows up they will realize that the lessons dad taught them far exceed any lesson mom ever could. The father has a far more important and influential role in his child’s life than the mother does. The father has the job of raising his kids to be accepted socially by his peers. The mother can have a little influence on this, but it is proven that the more active a father is in his child’s life the more his child will be accepted by his peers. It is the job of the dad to prepare his child for the tough life ahead of him and to teach them the necessary social skills needed to fit in. It is very hard for a mother to say something mean to her young child, so when the child is dressed in something not “socially acceptable” the mom won’t tell the child that he looks like a fool and needs to change. Luckily for the child, the father is not afraid to tell his kid he looks foolish and will make sure that every time the child leaves the house he is looking acceptable. According to an article by
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