How Far Did Wiemar Germany Recover Under Stressemen?

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By the summer of 1923, the Weimar Republic was at a very low point. Political groups both from the Right and Left were far from reconciled, and still posed a threat to the Government, the German currency, the mark, had collapsed, and they were in the midst of hyper-inflation, the French and Belgian troops were still occupying the Ruhr due to Germany’s failure to pay her reparations, and Weimar’s only policy on the occupation was ‘passive resistance’. Also, parties who were committed to helping preserve the Weimar Republic were being undermined, for example the instability of the government which had resulted from the 1919 Constitution. It seemed as though the Government was on the brink of collapse. However, a few months later, a sense of stability had been reached, which is associated with Gustav Stresemann. Stresemann served as Chancellor during autumn 1923, and then he was German Foreign Minister 1923 – 1929. During this period, he was motivated to free Germany from the reparation payments, and to seek alliances with Western powers, in particular the USA. During his first few weeks of being foreign minister, and in the months and years that followed, he made a series of important decisions. Stresemann recognised that Germany had no real option in the Ruhr, but also realised that any move that seemed to be surrendering would be hugely unpopular. In September 1923, he called off ‘passive resistance’ in the Ruhr, and promised to start paying reparations again. He made sure that there would be no repeat of the Ruhr occupation with the Locarno Pact of 1925, which, with British support, was a guarantee by the European Great Powers that there would not be a repetition, in return for the permanent demilitarization of the Rhineland. This led to Germany being accepted to join the council of the League of Nations, as he managed to ease French concerns about a German
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