Fantasia Case Study

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Description of Witness Detective Constable Fantasia is employed by the Yourtown Police Service and has been for the past twelve years. For the first seven years of this time, s/he has been involved in general policing duties. Five years ago, s/he was assigned to the Yourtown Police Drug Squad and has often worked as an undercover officer purchasing illicit drugs. Officer Fantasia has cultivated a series of contacts in the drug underworld who have at times provided information to him/her regarding drug trafficker Fantasia has been suspected of improper conduct in the past and unsubstantiated rumours abound. What has been established is that on one occasion, s/he could not account for missing police buy money issued to him/her. S/he was reprimanded by a superior officer for this. It has been twice alleged that Fantasia beat a suspect in order to obtain a confession. Criminal charges were laid on one occasion, but were withdrawn when the alleged victim did not come to court. Fantasia was…show more content…
You should not discuss what the evidence of other witnesses will be. This will taint your evidence and lessen its effectiveness. Opposing counsel will be able to inquire if you did discuss your evidence with anyone. Remember, a witness should only be testifying as to his/her personal knowledge and observations. During your testimony, you may be asked to identify an exhibit dealing with the result of the altercation. It is important that you be prepared for your testimony. Not being prepared may make the judge think that you are making up your evidence as you go along. Similarly, major inconsistencies in evidence will tell against your credibility. On the other hand, minor inconsistencies may be hallmarks of truth, since people will often see things differently, even when describing the same event. Your credibility is central to this

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