Family Structure Essay

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When choosing from the topic examples provided, the topic that most interests me is Family structure. This topic interests me because in today’s society the image of a traditional family has decreased its values over a period of decades. When researching this topic I found that there are many factors involved that contribute to this change, one of the most predominate factors is the sudden rise in the divorces rate in America. The traditional family was for decades a mother, father and children. However, the past several years has led to many more or blended families than any other time in history. The most evident development among American families has been declining in the traditional family (a married couple with children). New expressions of family structure established a change to describe the contrasting types of families such as single parent, step parent, blended, unmarried partners, same-sex partners, and multigenerational. “Andrew Cherlin reviews these historic changes, noting that marriage remains the most common living arrangement for raising children, but that children, especially poor and minority children, are increasingly likely to grow up in single-parent families and to experience family instability” (Scott, Steinberg). Family structure first started showing significant changes since World War II. With people’s hesitation of the war motivated many young couples to rush into marriage. After the war, the returning soldiers married in vast numbers promptly began families. The “American Dream” became the protection of a family in which the father’s income provided for the families needs and the mother’s workday was taking care of the children and house. Attitudes toward divorce began to relax as couples who rushed to marry during the war years went their separate ways. Children of the divorced couples experienced a new challenge by the

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