Family Involvement in Schools

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Family Involvement 1. Research indicates that family involvement in schools increases student achievement. Students learn best when their physical, mental, emotional, and other needs are met. The benefits of parent and family involvement include higher test scores and grades, better attendance, more completion of homework, more positive attitudes and behavior, higher graduation rates, and greater enrollment in higher education. When this partnership is extended to include the larger community, the benefits are greater yet. Perhaps most important is that when responsibility for children's learning is shared by the school, home, and community, children have more opportunities for meaningful, engaged learning. But how can this partnership be reached? One answer is the community schools strategy. A community school has a set of partnerships in place that connect the school, the students’ families, and the community. Community schools bring together community partners, parents, teachers, and administrators to assess students’ needs and identify the resources that are available to meet them. Community schools have an integrated focus on academics, youth development, family support, health and social services, and community development. My school is a community school. The administration of my school work with the community partners to develop a climate that is welcoming to families and students. They acknowledge that our students have varying academic and nonacademic needs and try to connect students to supports that meet those needs. Support for family and community involvement begins with school administrators. Their willingness to recruit parents and community members for school tasks, to listen to other people's viewpoints, and to share decision making provides a necessary foundation for all school-family-community partnerships. Our principal is very supportive
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