Family Diversity Essay

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Q. Family Diversity Diversity is the shift of normal family structures to a variety of family forms. Some sociologists said that nuclear and extended families no longer make up the majority of households or families. Family patterns are characterized by much diversity, for example, reconstituted families, single parent families, symetrical families same sex families. Other sociologists have also pointed out that there is also regional diversity in patterns of family life. Example, inner cities are mostly full of single parent families and ethnic minority families, while traditional rural areas have strong kinship networks. Rhona and robert rapoport(1982) have provided their explainations about the diversity of family structures. They argue that there has been some diversity of family structures in the modern indust society. According to rapoport, the nuclear family is no longer regarded as the ideal family structurea and more people are opting for other different types of family structures. These differences in the family structures tend to increase at high rates. In britain in 2001, a wage earning husband and a non-working wife at home with two dependant children accounted for a mere 8% of all men in paid employment. This proves that the traditional nuclear family is also decreasing in number through statistics provided by the govt. More recent research by rhona(1989) confirms the earlier research. She argues that the decline of the conventional nuclear family is part of a European trend, and not just confined to the UK. However, Robert chester argued that the nuclear family is not in minority because people still marry and rear children. Most of the children are reared by their natural parents and also live in a household with them. Chester also argued that there is little evidence that people are choosing to live, on a longterm basis, in alternative to the
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