Fair Is Foul

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“Fair is foul, and Foul is fair/ Hover through the fog and filthy air” --Witches (I. i. 12–13)

These quotes relate directly to the themes of The Seekers because they illustrate the powers of the supernatural over the string of fate. When the Witches say, “Fair is foul, and Foul is fair/ Hover through the fog and filthy air” (I. i. 12–13) it almost sound as if they are saying a spell that will give them the ability to fly. But with further examination, when they state, “Fair is foul, and Foul is fair,” they are using a paradox by inversely relating fair to being foul, and foul to being fair. This emphasizes the meaning that nothing is as it seems; Macbeth is fought to be this fair, amazing person but in reality he is as foul as “ the devil himself.” While on the other hand the witches are foul, vile creatures that gives Macbeth fair advice; which helps influence Macbeth faith. In Act 1, scene iii , lines 124-128, Banquo warns Macbeth of the witches prophecies, and the danger that lies behind them, calling them “ instruments of darkness that tells us the truth” only “ to betray’s/ In deepest consequence.” In other words, the witches only tell you what you want to hear, and leaves the negative aspect of their visions for you to find out later on when it is too late. This is an example of a synecdoche and an indirect metaphor, because Banquo is stating and comparing the witches to “instruments of darkness,” and just like an instrument the witches are able to lure Macbeth into believing he will be king only to deceive him at the end of the play; which ultimately leads to his death. This connects to the quote said by Lady Macbeth when she states, “ Hie thee hither/ That I may pour my spirits in thine ear/ And chastise with the valor of my tounge/ All that impedes thee from the golden round. Which fate and metaphysical aid doth seem to have the crowned
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