Fahrenheit 451: An Analysis

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Fahrenheit 451 Set apart from the world, he was lost. A lonely forbidden man who thought he had come to know his world. It crashed down upon him, springing about various events that would change his life forever. His life become so different in a small time frame, just a single week was all it had taken. Each event had lead to a new beginning for Montag. Guy Montag, his name simple but with deep meaning, what the author thought as he wrote the book wasn’t necessarily what it is deciphered as, in a sense it’s trying to explain he was an average everyday male. He was but a simple man where book burning had become his favorite pastime. The books were his to burn, or were they? He was devoted to his work,…show more content…
Curiosity killed the cat, and obviously it killed a young girl as well. When someone in your very life who has been somewhat important to you is murdered, would you not begin to question the world around you? Not only the safety, but the people in it as well (I certainly would [Any normal person would (unless you’re a psycho killer yourself I am pretty sure you might be a little scared [I’d probably have to go see a psychologist]). Everything that Montag had known was thrown into the trash to rot slowly, while Montags mind began to turn and ignite like the fires he had once been the culprit of starting. But he continued on, trying to forget. Not allowing his friends death to get the best of him, Montag tore himself from any feelings of sadness. Montag hadn’t known how to think before Clarisse. But he showed strength by moving forward. “She’s gone now, I think, dead. I can’t even remember her face.”(60) Montag. Just as Montag changes, I believe we change, society groups itself into clumps, but when put to the test we do what is expected of us. When we should be doing what benefits the world, not destroys…show more content…
Enough to make it know that he, Guy Montag had a book within his possession beneath his own pillow; although he didn’t blatantly state aloud, he did in fact ask Beatty this question, “ Well, then, what if a fireman accidentally, really not intending anything, takes a book home with him? ” (62) Montag. My only question would be, why allow yourself to be found out? It’s simply outrageous if you ask me. Everyone has a breaking point; Montags just so happened to be witnessing a woman commit suicide while he was on the job. He didn’t care anymore; he simply wanted justice and balance. In life we choose what’s worth the risk, and books were well worth Montags time, so he began to believe that books were something

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